Friends of Bernie Sanders
Short Poll: what is your favorite Bernie bill?
Please take a moment to complete our short poll of your favorite Bernie bill.
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If you could pick one bill Bernie’s written, which would you say is your favorite?
$15 Minimum Wage
Bill to Break Up the Big Banks
Climate Emergency Resolution
Free College & Canceling Student Debt
Marshall Plan for Puerto Rico
Medicare for All
Legislation to Save the Post Office
War Powers Resolution to End War in Yemen
Workplace Democracy Act
Is Bernie’s consistency on these issues part of the reason you trust him to fight on these issues?
Do you realize that on each of these bills, powerful special interests will do and spend what it takes to stop Bernie and all of us?
Can you pledge to make at least one more donation to our campaign before the current fundraising quarter comes to a close?
Yes, I will contribute $2.70
Yes, I will contribute $27
Yes, I will contribute more
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