Sorry, it's too late to sign up for this event.
If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:
Washington, DC: Bernie 2020 Community Canvass
L'Enfant Square ParkL'Enfant Square Park
Washington, DC 20020
Saturday, June 1, 2:00 PM
(event is now over)
Host's note
L'Enfant Square (DO NOT CONFUSE WITH L'Enfant Plaza) is at the intersection of Pennsylvania Ave SE and Minnesota Ave SE. Any 30 bus will take you here, also any V bus as well as the B4. There is no Metro stop near by. Parking is very very limited, the bus is your best choice.
Let's show our support for Bernie! At 2 PM we will assemble at L'Enfant Square Park in Southeast DC. We will be wearing our Bernie T shirts and/or carrying our home made signs (bring your own, no signs will be provided) and walk down Minnesota Ave to the Minnesota Avenue Metro station chanting Bernie for Medicare for All and whatever the spirit moves.