
Sorry, it's too late to sign up for this event.

If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:

The Tap Room
12301 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard
Inverness Park, CA 94937
Saturday, April 27, 4:00 PM (event is now over)
Host's note
Please plan on supporting our host, The Tap Room, by purchasing food and beverage. Here is their website with menu and directions:

Únase con sus amigos, familiares y vecinos para ser parte de nuestra campaña histórica para derrotar a Trump y transformar a los Estados Unidos. ¡Acompáñanos el 27 de Abril para escuchar al Senador Sanders hablar sobre nuestra visión y lo que se necesita (y se requiere) para lograr la revolución política! ¡Se necesitan todos para ganar, así que vamos a trabajar! Come together with your friends, family, and neighbors to join our historic campaign to defeat Trump and transform America. Join us on April 27th to hear from Senator Sanders about our vision and what it’s going to take to complete the political revolution. It’s going to take all of us, so let’s get to work! This is a bilingual event in Spanish and English.

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