
Sorry, it's too late to sign up for this event.

If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:

La Casita Ureña
2612 N 17th St
Tampa, FL 33605
Saturday, April 27, 2:00 PM (event is now over)
Host's note
This party will be held in our house at 2612 N 17th St. It's a small yellow house. Street parking and parking in the empty lot south of our house is available. Feel free to text Laurel (813-459-5510) or Dave (813-415-7872) with any questions! We look forward to seeing you there!

House Party for the official Bernie 2020 Organizing Kickoff event! Come on in and join us to celebrate a strong, people-driven movement for electing Bernie Sanders as our next President! We will be meeting one another and then watching the official Bernie Sanders campaign kickoff broadcast together. The broadcast is going to show us the nuts and bolts of organizing for Bernie. We'll provide you the tools to get signed up and on track for moving the campaign forward! Light refreshments will be provided.

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